Saturday 23 May 2020

How to help to keep bus travel safe

Your bus operators are asking you to try to do the following to keep bus travel safe

Take a window seat ( First bus & Faresaver buses)
Avoid standing and leave a space in front and behind you  ( Faresaver buses)
Wait for passengers to get off before you board ( First bus & Faresaver buses)
Do not stand or queue in the aisle next to the bus driver ( Faresaver buses)
Wear a face covering unless exempt due to health reasons or a child ( mandatory on all buses after 15th June )
Try to travel during off peak hours to avoid busy hours ( First bus)
Keep Windows open to help with ventilation( First bus)
Be prepared to wait if your bus is showing full even if it appears to have space ( First bus)
Use contactless payment where possible. If you need to use cash pay with exact change ( First bus & Faresaver buses)
Maintain a distance of 2 metres whilst waiting at bus stops( First bus )

ALL operators will have LESS CAPACITY due to new social DISTANCING rules