The new x34 timetable that will be replacing the 234 timetable is now online. The glaringly obvious thing that you will see is the fact that their are no buses after 17.30.
Bus users who are unhappy with these changes need to contact David Fothergill the head of public transport and David Wwarburton Mp. Details for both can be found in the section who to complain to. Please send individual letters or e mails to both as they need to see the strength of public feeling about these changes.
Monday, 29 June 2015
234 being replaced by Faresaver Mon - Sat
30 Frome local service being replaced by Frome minibuses
161 Frome to Shepton being replaced by ?
267 To Rode village service reduced
184 Frome to Bath via Radstock being replaced by ?
David Warburton confirmed cuts to the 161 between Frome and Shepton so far NO other operator has been found to take over the route. The 267 is going to be cut from Rode village for a second time this time possibly for good.
30 Frome local service being replaced by Frome minibuses
161 Frome to Shepton being replaced by ?
267 To Rode village service reduced
184 Frome to Bath via Radstock being replaced by ?
David Warburton confirmed cuts to the 161 between Frome and Shepton so far NO other operator has been found to take over the route. The 267 is going to be cut from Rode village for a second time this time possibly for good.
Saturday, 27 June 2015
Bus users across several areas will need your help to protest. RODE, FROME and SHEPTON could be about to lose bus services.
It might not be affecting you personally as your bus might not be one of the ones that is being cut or the bus is not being cut in your area. How would you feel if it was your bus that was being cut and know one was going to help you to save it. If ONE BUS is CUT it is one to many, once a bus is CUT you cant get it BACK!
please help the RODE campaigners, FAV BUG and the SHEPTON campaigners to insure that NO BUSES are CUT.
Bus users across several areas will need your help to protest. RODE, FROME and SHEPTON could be about to lose bus services.
It might not be affecting you personally as your bus might not be one of the ones that is being cut or the bus is not being cut in your area. How would you feel if it was your bus that was being cut and know one was going to help you to save it. If ONE BUS is CUT it is one to many, once a bus is CUT you cant get it BACK!
please help the RODE campaigners, FAV BUG and the SHEPTON campaigners to insure that NO BUSES are CUT.
Friday, 26 June 2015
How bus Cuts will affect ROGE VILLAGERS
Tomorrow could see the loss of a vital bus service in Somerset but local residents of Rode are fighting back.

Just wanted to thank everyone for sending in example of how Rode people and Rode connected people are affected by the withdrawal of the 267
Here are just a few... examples: 1/4 of staff at ChoconChoc (one of the main businesses in Rode) travel by the 267 including their Office Manager.
Here are just a few... examples: 1/4 of staff at ChoconChoc (one of the main businesses in Rode) travel by the 267 including their Office Manager.
Two of Rode School teachers are also affected as use the bus too.
Children who go to school in Bath whose parents chose the school as there was bus service to Bath.
Commuters to Bath who may have to look for other jobs as have no alternative travel options e.g one car household / don't drive etc..
Also some people are also contemplating having to leave Rode village as they need a bus to get to Bath for family issues and the shops. Or people who can't drive due to ill health and need a bus..
People in Woolverton won't have safe bus service to use either as its impossible to cross the A36 especially if you are young and old.
Still on the look out for how people who are affected by the 267 bus withdrawal by First. Particularly on the look out still for people who go to the RUH or another hospital regularly so if you know anyone (appreciate most of the older generation aren't always on facebook).
Children who go to school in Bath whose parents chose the school as there was bus service to Bath.
Commuters to Bath who may have to look for other jobs as have no alternative travel options e.g one car household / don't drive etc..
Also some people are also contemplating having to leave Rode village as they need a bus to get to Bath for family issues and the shops. Or people who can't drive due to ill health and need a bus..
People in Woolverton won't have safe bus service to use either as its impossible to cross the A36 especially if you are young and old.
Still on the look out for how people who are affected by the 267 bus withdrawal by First. Particularly on the look out still for people who go to the RUH or another hospital regularly so if you know anyone (appreciate most of the older generation aren't always on facebook).
Who to COMPLAIN to about cuts to Bus services:
If you have any complaints you wish to make about cuts to your bus services please write to the COUNCILLOR IN CHARGE OF PUBLIC TRANSPORT at the address below.
If you have any complaints you wish to make about cuts to your bus services please write to the COUNCILLOR IN CHARGE OF PUBLIC TRANSPORT at the address below.
David Fothertill
Somerset county council
County hall
Telephone 01823 443740
Mobile 07765 256256
David Warburton
13 Stony Street, Frome, Somerset BA11 1BU
01373 580500
James Heappey
3cTown street
Shepton Mallet
01749 343255 they have a temporary office number of 01749 675542 as they are having problems with their phone line should be sorted soon.
Write letters to the local press
letters to:
Letters to the editorEmail:
Telephone: 01225 322274
Mp's can also be contacted at
House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA
Monday, 22 June 2015
Rode in peril again
Without any consultation, First Bus are rushing through plans to end Rode’s 267. We lose it on August 21st.
This after First has already announced they’re ending their 234 bus service to Rode on August 2nd. Again without any consultation.
Rode is a major Somerset village and a primary village in Mendip. Very many people who live in Rode need to travel by bus to Bath for work, study, medical treatment, rail connections as well as to shop or just to go out in an evening. It’s their only way of getting to Bath.
This village therefore must have a direct bus link with Bath.
That’s our message to First Bus … and it’ll be our message to Somerset County Council too.
Already our County Councillor, Linda Oliver, and our MP, David Warburton, have offered Rode their full support in this battle.
Last year after the village-wide protest, First Bus was forced to reinstate our 267, at the time First Bus said to us “Use it or Lose it” .. Well we did use it and yet we are to lose it. Not that First Bus knows just how much we used it, as their data collection on bus passengers in Rode is totally flawed. They have been only counting Rode as the last bus stop in the village on the way out to Bath. So alot of the tickets in Rode are marked from the neigbouring village Beckington (even though the bus stops are definitely in Rode Beckington is 1.5 miles away). We have given First Bus numerous incorrect tickets (some saying Frome when getting on at Rode heading to Bath). We collected incorrect tickets for about 3 or 4 months but that has now stopped. However, as I was talking to someone yesterday she produced an incorrect ticket from yesterday.
Also if you are travelling with a weekly or monthly bus pass or a school pass then your journey isn't recorded. It is only recorded once when you purchase the bus pass not every time you use the bus. Alot of people have these in Rode and don't always purchase them in Rode! First also don't count the passenger footfall off the bus at a stop.
Also we have conducted our own bus user survey last year of everyone getting on and off the bus for a two week period. Rode is the biggest village for people using the bus between Frome and Bath. So we need to fight this. We need to get even more support than last time. .And we need your help!
If Rode looses it bus to Bath, the nearest bus stop to Rode is over a mile away down some busy country roads with no footpaths or street lights and having to cross the extremely busy A36. Rode needs its bus service to Bath as walking to another village isn't an option especially for the young and old but for anyone.
There’s a petition to sign (we need as many signatures as possible) .. It’s already in the Rode Post Office and we’ll get it to all the Rode pubs as soon as possible. We will also put it online too. We will do a leaflet drop this week around Rode.
A protest is planned for July 4th at Rode Post Office, High Street at 1045. We need even more support than last year at the protest! Please come along and support our bus service as this could happen to a service near you soon! We will invite the media to this.
Please note we aren't contacting the media at this stage while we ramp up our campaign. Please don't contact them on our behalf. If you have any connection please let me know. Our 267 bus campaign team will contact the media in due course.
And if you haven't seen this video this shows how much Rode's people care about their bus service to Bath
Also if you are travelling with a weekly or monthly bus pass or a school pass then your journey isn't recorded. It is only recorded once when you purchase the bus pass not every time you use the bus. Alot of people have these in Rode and don't always purchase them in Rode! First also don't count the passenger footfall off the bus at a stop.
Also we have conducted our own bus user survey last year of everyone getting on and off the bus for a two week period. Rode is the biggest village for people using the bus between Frome and Bath. So we need to fight this. We need to get even more support than last time. .And we need your help!
If Rode looses it bus to Bath, the nearest bus stop to Rode is over a mile away down some busy country roads with no footpaths or street lights and having to cross the extremely busy A36. Rode needs its bus service to Bath as walking to another village isn't an option especially for the young and old but for anyone.
There’s a petition to sign (we need as many signatures as possible) .. It’s already in the Rode Post Office and we’ll get it to all the Rode pubs as soon as possible. We will also put it online too. We will do a leaflet drop this week around Rode.
A protest is planned for July 4th at Rode Post Office, High Street at 1045. We need even more support than last year at the protest! Please come along and support our bus service as this could happen to a service near you soon! We will invite the media to this.
Please note we aren't contacting the media at this stage while we ramp up our campaign. Please don't contact them on our behalf. If you have any connection please let me know. Our 267 bus campaign team will contact the media in due course.
And if you haven't seen this video this shows how much Rode's people care about their bus service to Bath
We will be writing letters to people with a position of influence e.g the Chair of First Group Can you suggest any key stakeholders or people we can write to?
If anyone has any influence or connections with First Bus, County Councils, or any key stakeholders or companies or people of influence etc would be good to hear from you. Do you know them personally so can write on our behalf? Please PM me if you can help.
Can you ‘Tweet and or post a message to a ‘Facebook group or your news feed to spread the word to make First and others aware of our campaign.
New hashtag for the campaign on Facebook and Twitter is #SaveTheRode267Bus
If you are on Twitter please follow us and send us a Tweet on @Savethe267bus
Save our 267
Without any consultation, First Bus are rushing through plans to end Rode’s 267. We lose it on August 21st.
This after First has already announced they’re ending their 234 bus service to Rode on August 2nd. Again without any consultation.
Rode is a major Somerset village and a primary village in Mendip. Very many people who live in Rode need to travel by bus to Bath for work, study, medical treatment, rail connections as well as to shop or just to go out in an evening. It’s their only way of getting to Bath.
This village therefore must have a direct bus link with Bath.
That’s our message to First Bus … and it’ll be our message to Somerset County Council too.
Already our County Councillor, Linda Oliver, and our MP, David Warburton, have offered Rode their full support in this battle.
Last year after the village-wide protest, First Bus was forced to reinstate our 267, at the time First Bus said to us “Use it or Lose it” .. Well we did use it and yet we are to lose it. Not that First Bus knows just how much we used it, as their data collection on bus passengers in Rode is totally flawed. They have been only counting Rode as the last bus stop in the village on the way out to Bath. So alot of the tickets in Rode are marked from the neigbouring village Beckington (even though the bus stops are definitely in Rode Beckington is 1.5 miles away). We have given First Bus numerous incorrect tickets (some saying Frome when getting on at Rode heading to Bath). We collected incorrect tickets for about 3 or 4 months but that has now stopped. However, as I was talking to someone yesterday she produced an incorrect ticket from yesterday.
Also if you are travelling with a weekly or monthly bus pass or a school pass then your journey isn't recorded. It is only recorded once when you purchase the bus pass not every time you use the bus. Alot of people have these in Rode and don't always purchase them in Rode! First also don't count the passenger footfall off the bus at a stop.
Also we have conducted our own bus user survey last year of everyone getting on and off the bus for a two week period. Rode is the biggest village for people using the bus between Frome and Bath. So we need to fight this. We need to get even more support than last time. .And we need your help!
If Rode looses it bus to Bath, the nearest bus stop to Rode is over a mile away down some busy country roads with no footpaths or street lights and having to cross the extremely busy A36. Rode needs its bus service to Bath as walking to another village isn't an option especially for the young and old but for anyone.
There’s a petition to sign (we need as many signatures as possible) .. It’s already in the Rode Post Office and we’ll get it to all the Rode pubs as soon as possible. We will also put it online too. We will do a leaflet drop this week around Rode.
A protest is planned for July 4th at Rode Post Office, High Street at 1045. We need even more support than last year at the protest! Please come along and support our bus service as this could happen to a service near you soon! We will invite the media to this.
Please note we aren't contacting the media at this stage while we ramp up our campaign. Please don't contact them on our behalf. If you have any connection please let me know. Our 267 bus campaign team will contact the media in due course.
And if you haven't seen this video this shows how much Rode's people care about their bus service to Bath
Also if you are travelling with a weekly or monthly bus pass or a school pass then your journey isn't recorded. It is only recorded once when you purchase the bus pass not every time you use the bus. Alot of people have these in Rode and don't always purchase them in Rode! First also don't count the passenger footfall off the bus at a stop.
Also we have conducted our own bus user survey last year of everyone getting on and off the bus for a two week period. Rode is the biggest village for people using the bus between Frome and Bath. So we need to fight this. We need to get even more support than last time. .And we need your help!
If Rode looses it bus to Bath, the nearest bus stop to Rode is over a mile away down some busy country roads with no footpaths or street lights and having to cross the extremely busy A36. Rode needs its bus service to Bath as walking to another village isn't an option especially for the young and old but for anyone.
There’s a petition to sign (we need as many signatures as possible) .. It’s already in the Rode Post Office and we’ll get it to all the Rode pubs as soon as possible. We will also put it online too. We will do a leaflet drop this week around Rode.
A protest is planned for July 4th at Rode Post Office, High Street at 1045. We need even more support than last year at the protest! Please come along and support our bus service as this could happen to a service near you soon! We will invite the media to this.
Please note we aren't contacting the media at this stage while we ramp up our campaign. Please don't contact them on our behalf. If you have any connection please let me know. Our 267 bus campaign team will contact the media in due course.
And if you haven't seen this video this shows how much Rode's people care about their bus service to Bath
We will be writing letters to people with a position of influence e.g the Chair of First Group Can you suggest any key stakeholders or people we can write to?
If anyone has any influence or connections with First Bus, County Councils, or any key stakeholders or companies or people of influence etc would be good to hear from you. Do you know them personally so can write on our behalf? Please PM me if you can help.
Can you ‘Tweet and or post a message to a ‘Facebook group or your news feed to spread the word to make First and others aware of our campaign.
New hashtag for the campaign on Facebook and Twitter is #SaveTheRode267Bus
If you are on Twitter please follow us and send us a Tweet on @Savethe267bus
Save our 267
Wednesday, 3 June 2015
First bus will be deregulating the 234 and 30 services at the beginning of August.
Good News For 30 users
Frome minibuses are proposing to take over the Monday to Friday route as it is at present from early August.
Good news for 234 users
Good news from Faresaver Facebook Page. Faresaver would like to announce that having recently heard the news that First Bus are cancelling the 234 service from Chippenham to Frome via Melksham and Trowbridge, we have been working hard to ensure that there will be a comprehensive service on this corridor from 2 August 2015. Our existing service is already double the frequency of the old First service i.e. mainly half hourly.
We have now registered some additional journeys with the authorities which includes a Saturday service and servicing Rode on an hourly basis. The timetable is 'fresh off the press' and subject to confirmation from The Traffic Commisioner's office. As soon as we get acceptance, we will upload a draft copy to our website
Good News For 30 users
Frome minibuses are proposing to take over the Monday to Friday route as it is at present from early August.
Good news for 234 users
Good news from Faresaver Facebook Page. Faresaver would like to announce that having recently heard the news that First Bus are cancelling the 234 service from Chippenham to Frome via Melksham and Trowbridge, we have been working hard to ensure that there will be a comprehensive service on this corridor from 2 August 2015. Our existing service is already double the frequency of the old First service i.e. mainly half hourly.
We have now registered some additional journeys with the authorities which includes a Saturday service and servicing Rode on an hourly basis. The timetable is 'fresh off the press' and subject to confirmation from The Traffic Commisioner's office. As soon as we get acceptance, we will upload a draft copy to our website
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